While using data manipulation with Pandas, you’ll often encounter scenarios where you need to combine multiple DataFrames into a single, unified structure. The pd.concat function is your go-to tool for this task. However, a common challenge arises when you have a list containing the string names of your DataFrames instead of the actual DataFrame objects themselves.

Let’s delve into this issue, understand why it occurs, and explore a practical solution.

The Problem in Detail

Imagine you've performed some data processing or have DataFrames generated dynamically within a loop. You might end up with a list like this:
dataframe_names = ['df_sales', 'df_customers', 'df_orders']

Now, if you try to directly concatenate these using pd.concat:

import pandas as pd

# ... (Assume df_sales, df_customers, df_orders are defined elsewhere)

result = pd.concat(dataframe_names, ignore_index=True) 

You’ll likely encounter a TypeError. This is because pd.concat expects a list of DataFrame objects, not their string representations.

The Solution

The core of the solution lies in transforming your list of string names into a list of the corresponding DataFrame objects. Python’s eval() function, coupled with a list comprehension, provides an elegant way to achieve this:

# Convert string names to DataFrame objects
dataframes_to_concat = [eval(df_name) for df_name in dataframe_names] 

# Now, perform the concatenation
result = pd.concat(dataframes_to_concat, ignore_index=True)

Breaking Down the Code

  • eval(df_name): This function dynamically evaluates the string df_name as Python code. So, if df_name is ‘df_sales’, it effectively retrieves the DataFrame object stored in the variable df_sales.
  • List Comprehension: The concise expression [ ... for df_name in dataframe_names] iterates through your list of string names, applying the eval operation to each one and building a new list containing the actual DataFrame objects.

A Word of Caution about eval()

While eval() offers a convenient solution, exercise caution when dealing with user-supplied input. It can execute arbitrary code, potentially introducing security vulnerabilities. If you’re working with external data, consider safer alternatives, such as storing your DataFrames in a dictionary and accessing them by key.

Going Beyond

  • Error Handling: In real-world scenarios, it’s wise to incorporate error handling. You might encounter cases where a string in your list doesn’t correspond to an existing DataFrame. Use try-except blocks to gracefully handle such situations.
  • Alternative Approaches: Depending on your specific use case, you could explore other techniques like storing your DataFrames in a dictionary or using the globals() or locals() functions to access variables by name.


This comprehensive guide equips you with the knowledge to effectively concatenate Pandas DataFrames even when you’re presented with a list of their string names. Remember to prioritize security and consider alternative approaches when dealing with potentially untrusted data.

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