What is ReactJS, its advantages & why should you care about it? If you are wondering the same then this post is for you. React, which was originally created for Facebook, is a JavaScript package that creates user interfaces for single-page apps by breaking the UI into composable components. When it comes to developing SPAs, PWAs, dynamic web pages, and other diverse apps ReactJS is the most used framework. Companies around the world use Reactjs development services to get measurable business outcomes.

Here Are The Reasons Why Use React

  • Components that can be Reused

React has a component-based architecture. Each component determines how it is to be presented. Each component is governed by its own set of guidelines. This method yields some incredible outcomes. You can reuse components anywhere you need them.

  • Less Rendering Time with Virtual DOM

When it comes to web performance, updating the DOM is frequently the bottleneck. React is attempting to tackle this issue by utilising virtual DOM. Any changes to the view are first reflected in the virtual DOM, after which an efficient diff algorithm examines the prior and current states of the virtual DOM and determines the optimal way to apply these changes. Finally, the changes are applied to the DOM to provide the shortest possible read/write latency.

  • Flux and Redux

Facebook created and maintains the Flux architecture, which they employ for their web apps. To update stores, the primary idea is to construct activities that are orchestrated by a central dispatcher. The views are then changed in response to changes in the stores. All data to be shown by components is saved in stores and is not replicated as models in the MVC structure, saving you the trouble of constantly having to keep your model data up to date throughout the app.

  • Abstraction with Purity

One of React’s most powerful features is that it provides good abstraction, which means it does not expose any sophisticated internals to the user. React does not impose any patterns or architecture; after all, it is only about the view layer and you are free to design your app’s architecture in whatever way you see suitable.

Also read our post on Why Use ReactJS for Web Development

Advantages of ReactJS Development

  • The Learning Curve for React is Steep

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ReactJS is popular among developers because it is efficient, declarative, and flexible. What’s more and more fascinating, learning React is simpler than learning other JavaScript frameworks. React.js does not overburden developers with too many things to remember. It has a simpler file tree and a more flexible component approach in general.

  • ReactJS is Extremely Adaptable

Another incentive to choose React is its flexibility, which presents itself in a variety of ways. Web development projects have a tendency to grow into large systems that are difficult to modify or improve. The architecture of React enables the bundling of front-end code into custom components, offering a solid foundation for overall development process optimisation.

  • React Create Rich User Experiences

Front-end development with React results in solutions that are not just performant but also highly testable.

  • Increases Developers’ Productivity

It is not an exaggeration to claim that everyone would prefer to have a tool or two that could help them improve their productivity and efficiency at work. It is a library that can improve ReactJS development company or developer’s performance and is widely on par with Angular in this regard.

  • ReactJS can be useful for SEO


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When discussing websites and web apps, we must not overlook the importance of user engagement. Making your web app or site crawlable by search engines is one of the most efficient strategies to boost it. The fact that React uses JavaScript to load pages in most cases is a huge bonus.

  • React Developers Get Widespread Community Support

As an open-source library, ReactJS has what it takes to continuously recruit newcomers to its community, which only strengthens it over time. A sense of belonging to a community provides a firm foundation on which a software developer can rely when learning new technologies or working on a complex project. This is a feeling that all firms providing ReactJS development services will have. The React library has entered the growth loop and appears to want to stay there for as long as possible.

Also, read the blog on Top Benefits of ReactJS for Business Solutions

Other JavaScript Libraries vs. ReactJS

  • Native Mobile App Development

When React Native was introduced in 2015, it was one of the most significant enhancements to the React framework. It is a sophisticated mobile framework that employs React ideas to create native-looking apps.
What distinguishes Native is that it does not make use of WebView, a program that allows phones to view web information. Instead, it develops hybrid cross-platform applications using only JavaScript and HTML.

  • There is no Imposed Architecture

Unlike comparable frameworks, React does not use an MVC or MVVM architecture. It is up to the developers or ReactJS development service providers to select the best architecture for constructing web apps.

It does, however, provide Flux architecture. For instance, if a developer requires additional structure in the web application, the flux architecture is a possibility. For integrating the entire MVC architecture with React, you can use web frameworks such as AngularJS or BackboneJS.

  • Flexibility

The developer has complete control over ReactJS. It can be used to create SPAs, mobile or hybrid apps, and even a TV application. You can include as many external libraries and tools as you need to create a large, complex web application. ReactJS will optimise the performance of your app.

Read the related post on: AngularJS VS ReactJS

What is React Used For

For front-end development, we recommend utilising React JS because of the following reasons:

  • Single Page Applications

SPAs preserve the repetitive elements of a web page, such as the menu section and the header, and only update the relevant content when a user performs an action, such as scrolling, double-clicking or left-clicking. Are you still wondering when to use ReactJS? ReactJS is ideal for SPAs since these sites constantly refresh their content based on data from web servers. The feature-rich library, which includes Virtual DOM, Redux, and unidirectional data flow, can expertly handle the tough content update process.

  • Large Scale Objects

React allows a component-based approach to designing applications with a variety of workflows and extensive server-side logic.

  • Intuitive Apps & UIs

React simplifies the process of applications where there are major complexities regarding performant UI.

  • eCommerce Applications

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Using React.js navigation tools and design components, you can construct outstanding eCommerce applications. You will be able to improve the performance of your eCommerce applications as a result of this.

  • IoT Applications

Server-rendering and virtual DOM, designed with the React library’s key features and speed in mind, allow you to quickly construct large-scale and high-performance IoT apps. While ReactJS can be used to create static pages, this does not fully justify the library. Another situation in which React may be excessive is while building simple CRUD tasks. For better understanding, avail for ReactJS development services.

Top companies that use ReactJS

Below are the top companies that use ReactJS:

  • Netflix
  • Airbnb
  • Yahoo
  • Uber
  • Meta


Front-end web development with React was a prominent trend in 2021 and will continue to be so in 2022. The evidence supporting this claim is unequivocal.

Since its initial release, the React library has been constantly expanding and improving. Simultaneously, component-based architecture, React’s tendency toward functional programming concepts and other distinguishing qualities of this JS toolkit that we’ve mentioned above continue to draw more developers to the welcoming and supportive React community.

Frequently Asked Questions

React is a multi-purpose library that can handle all of your front-end requirements. It is feature-rich and will be an excellent choice for web application development. React components and templates are ideal for providing an excellent user experience while also maintaining traffic.
The React framework provides users with templates and elements to utilise as a foundation for constructing unique web experiences. The excellent performance of React apps is another advantage that makes it a company choice.
ReactJS is a popular web development tool because of its React components. React offers great performance, low-cost development, modularity, reusable wrapper components, and other advantages for speedy development.
The primary reasons for outsourcing ReactJS frontend development include scaling flexibility, cost-effectiveness, focusing on core development activities, and a larger skill pool available.
The fundamental characteristics of ReactJS include Virtual DOM, Declarative UI, JSX, One-way data binding, Easy Compatibility with React Native, and Component-based design.
The optimal use-case for ReactJs in the frontend is when you want to build a web application that must provide constantly changing data without reloading the page.

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What, Why and When Should You Use ReactJS: A Complete Guide – INFOGRAPHIC

What, Why and When Should You Use ReactJS: A Complete Guide Infographic