JavaScript is expanding its scope by introducing new tools and advancements at a breathtaking speed. Web Development is experiencing completely a new phase as JavaScript is gaining immense popularity. Node.JS is simply a packaged compilation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, the libuv platform abstraction layer as well as a core library. It is primarily written in JavaScript.
Design Server Side Apps
Node.JS is an open source framework becoming immensely popular these days. Node js Developers are making use of Node.JS to create APIs as well as construct a new interoperability matrix over web. Node.JS is a platform used to design server side apps. It is prominently used by JavaScript coders though it is not a Java based framework. Node JS is greatly customizable proto-server engine that will not give an out of the box performance until it is given a set up. It functions in a loop to accept as well as respond instantly to any kind of requests. Node JS can easily build an event driven app server.
Implement Push Technology
Node.JS is capable of designing real-time websites by implementing push technology. It plays a vital role in stack technology of many market dominating companies. Node.JS promotes two way connections where communication could be initiated by the client or server both to freely exchange data.
How Does It Work?
The central idea to run Node.JS is making the use of a non-blocking and event-driven I/O. This will enable it to stay light in weight as well as efficient when data-intensive real-time applications function across various distributed devices. Node.JS is designed with an intention to fulfil a particular need and not with an intention that it will dominate the web development sector over other platforms.
Node.JS is capable of creating fast and scalable applications by managing numerous simultaneous connections. It functions on a single-thread that supports tens of thousands of concurrent connections.
Project Management Support Through NPM Tool
Node.JS has a built-in project management support that makes use of NPM tool. The NPM tool is a default tool in Node.JS installation. This tool has universally available reusable components when node js is installed online. NPM tool has many packages modules that are open to all for publishing.
Where Node.JS Is Used?
CHAT: Chat is a multi-user application based on Node.JS. Chat is a data intensive and high trafficking application running on various devices. It is simple to use yet covers majority of the paradigms consisted in Node.JS. Chat is based on the simplest Express.js application NPM tool. For more strong solutions, Redis store or message queue can be implemented. Irrespective of what NPM tool you use, Node.JS works on the same principle of:
- Reacting to events
- Handling concurrent connections
- Managing flow in user experience
Where Node JS Can Be Used And Where It Cannot Be Used
Node JS along with Express.js can design classic server-side web applications. However it has certain pros and cons. Node JS with Relational DB tools are still immature and are not pleasant to work with. Hence, take a trial and detail analysis about Node JS before making its use.
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