Whether you are a web developer or a businessman trying to get a website developed, you must have somewhere, sometime heard about Ruby on Rails. Even if you are not familiar with the technology you must have at least heard the name, right?
So killing all the doubts and curiosity, here we are with Ruby on Rails.
About Ruby on Rails (RoR)
Ruby on Rails even called as “RoR” is an open source framework, which was invented by David Heinemeier Hanss. Ruby on Rails is used to build web applications and the development task takes place on the object oriented programming language of Ruby. Ruby on Rails is a standalone MVC framework model, where all the layers are provided by Ruby itself and it nullifies the needs to have an additional MVC support like other frameworks.
Ruby for Rails, which was invented during the mid-90s, is a dynamic programming language. From the programming perspective, it is a easy-to-use language to get started with. When it comes to businesses, it is one of the most cost-effective and fast to develop web development framework. Ruby for Rails can be your best bet if you thought about opting for other development languages like ASP.NET and Java. Some of the top websites that are build on the Ruby on Rails platform are Amazon, Basecamp, Twitter, Shopify, etc.
Ruby on Rails (RoR) comes with a number of components and they are:
- Action mailer, works as email handler
- Action pack, works to control view and controller functions
- Active record, acts as a mapping layer
- Action web services
- Prototype, implements drag & drop functionality
What Makes Ruby on Rails (RoR) Better from Its Counterparts?
Yes, this is something that every businessman will ask when the question of choice arises. Compared to other web development frameworks, Ruby is quick and easy to use. Moreover, from the developer perspective it is one of the best application environments to work with. The framework is superfast and according to David Geary, it works 10-times faster than the other frameworks based on Java.
Why Go for Ruby on Rails (RoR)?
There are a number of things which simply justifies why you should go for RoR. They are:
- Comes with Good Test AutomationWith Ruby you can easily carry out testing as it supports test automation. This has been made possible by Ruby community, which comes with the features to integrate testing while coding. This saves you time and efforts as you don’t need external plugins for the task.
- Comes with Good LibrariesThe best thing about the libraries is having Ruby generators, gems and modules. Here you will find a good number of gems which you will need to implement features in the web application. This is what speeds up the development process. In case you fail to find a gem or the required gem is not present, you can easily get it developed at the earliest with the help of the Ruby community experts.
- Makes you Code LessCompared to any other framework, you will be able to run the MVP faster. Meanwhile, you can check the working of the project as well as fix some errors in the process.
- Builds Application QuicklyWhen working on Ruby on Rails, you will be able to see your changes reflect quickly which helps you to save time. Being an open platform, most of the features are free and so it helps you save enough amount of money.
- Stable FrameworkYou can anytime stop and then restart the project with Ruby on Rails. The project developed on Ruby on Rails can be updated or some new features can be added even after few years with the help of new developers. This has been made possible by the coding conventions that it follows. It allows you to code with a pattern that can be understood by every developer and so when a new developer is on your website, he or she will know where to get started and how to get done.
- ToolingRuby on Rails comes with amazing tooling which helps to get a good number of features on the web application within very less time interval.
- Big CommunityRuby on Rails has a big community of experts. So in case you have any issues, with your business application you can contact them and enjoy their expertise.
Advantages of Ruby on Rails (RoR)
We saw the reasons why Ruby on Rails proves to be useful for web development. So now let’s see the advantages of using the open-source framework.
- Quick Development ProcessWith Ruby on Rails you can wind up the development process quickly and save around 30-40% of the expected development process time. This time saving has been made possible by modular design, lean code base as well as plugins that are ready to use.
- Easy to Code and MaintainWith Ruby on Rails, you can easily code on the development project without disturbing the existing ones. You can add codes, delete codes and update some in the most effective manner. Moreover the framework is stable and can be your best bet for long-term projects.
- Cost-effectiveWith Ruby on Rails you can get the development tasks done at the earliest and so the development time is reduced significantly. This reduces the cost of the project and so businesses can save money when developing websites using Ruby on Rails.
- Works with All Kind of IndustriesWhether the business is small or big, or belongs to any industry, Ruby on Rails suits every kind of business.
- Helps you Create and Save your Apps for Future UseWith Ruby on Rails you have the freedom to create plugins and then use them wherever you want. No doubt you may have the same facility with other frameworks but, with Ruby on Rails it is very easy. Moreover, if you have any custom application build for your current project then you can make use of it in your future projects as well. This will save you significant amount of time and efforts and you will not have to build it from the scratch.
How to Choose Right Offshore Ruby on Rails (RoR) Development Company?
It is not that easy to come up with an offshore Ruby on Rails development company to develop your business web application. No doubt outsourcing is cost-effective, but if you fail to find right Ruby on Rails development company you may end up in trouble. So to help you out, here are the top tips which you can follow to find right Ruby on Rails development company for your project.
- Check ExpertiseExperience and knowledge needs to be your top priority when you plan to choose an offshore Ruby on Rails development company. So first of all try to know that they are well accustomed with the framework or not. It may happen that you have found a reputed and trustworthy company but, having expertise in other technologies. In such scenario, you cannot be sure about the output you will get on your project. When outsourcing, this has to be your priority.
- Check Testimonials and PortfolioWhat kind of projects the company had completed in the past? Getting answer to this question is very important. Their past work will show their expertise and experience. You should also ask for portfolio to know about their work. To be precise, you can ask them for a sample project from your same industry.
- Check Out the EventsA good number of events and workshops are organized and visiting such places will help you find different Ruby on Rails development companies. Sometimes you may find developers who can relate to your ideas so opting for the development company they work with will serve good.
- Check ExperienceWhen you are looking for some serious web development company, you need to get into every detail. You should check the years of experience of the company, what kind of projects they had worked in the past, how many hours they had dedicated for the project, etc. This will help you know whether they are ready for your project or not. As you are looking for offshore company, you cannot neglect these things at all.
- Offshore Company Vs FreelancerChoose an offshore development company over a freelancer when you plan outsourcing the development task. The offshore company or say their developer will work for you from the office environment and even will be available when you need them during your office hours. On the contrary, a freelancer will not be available to you in the similar fashion.
- Have a Trial PeriodInvesting for your business by hiring an offshore Ruby on Rails development company should have to be wise. So first of all go for a trial project. This will help your company and the development company to adjust among themselves. Better understanding of working styles and communication medium is important. Again don’t initiate complex projects before everything sets well.
- http://searchmicroservices.techtarget.com/definition/Ruby-on-Rails-RoR-or-Rails
- http://technofaq.org/posts/2017/04/5-benefits-of-ruby-on-rails-for-your-project/
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