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A Government based Transportation Commission Agency ensures that utility and transportation services are fairly priced, available to meet consumer’s need, reliable and safe. The Agency also regulates the rates and services of private or investor-owned utility and transportation companies.

Business Need

The Client was looking for a robust application in which they have complete and consistent view of service providers and consumers across the enterprise. The system should be able to capture business data in multiple systems as well as transform and store them to central repository. It should automate core business processes, and allow integration between the departments along with Role based access. It should scale with growing business demand. Upon successful implementation, Application Maintenance and Support (AMS) was required for smooth business operations.

Client Situation

The Client’s Agency was using various legacy systems with cumbersome manual integration of different systems. It involved repeated human efforts which caused inconsistent data and hence glitches in various Reports. The Agency was not able to meet the business objectives effectively due to lack of clear picture.


  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM (MS CRM)
  • .Net Framework
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MS Exchange Server
  • SSIS
  • SSRS
  • MS Outlook
  • XML
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Recommended Solution

Our Software Development Team have met and exceeded the client expectations. Our Tech competent software development team with in-depth understanding of client requirements delivered a successful business solution.

Few Highlights

  • Successfully implemented Microsoft Dynamics CRM to handle Business objectives.
  • Customized Interfaces using .Net framework and other Microsoft technologies for automated data feed from different systems to MS SQL central repository.
  • Consistent and reliable data sources led to automated and effective Reporting using SSRS.
  • Secure and robust solution with Role based Access for everyone.
  • Smooth integration across departments without manual intervention.


  • Complete and consistent view across various departments of Agency.
  • Automated solutions using latest Microsoft technologies.
  • Effective periodic reports like compliance to fair price and consumer safety reports.
  • Correct Decision making at top level of Agency in terms of Regulations like fair prices etc.
  • Satisfied Client, happy to go ahead and continue AMS support post initial assignments.

Client Speaks

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