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The client is an industry leader delivering Banking solutions which includes Real-time Data Reports, Bank Settlement Reports etc.

Business Need

Client wants to make a web application with live streaming of data, & reports which require huge data processing.

Client Situation

Client wanted to develop new web portal with below features along with Application Maintenance and Support (AMS) activities.

  • Live streaming of data
  • Generate various credit/debit and daily settlement reports with Real Time Data
  • Tracking of all types of transactions


Node JS, Amazon kinesis, MongoDB, Hadoop,Socket I/O

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Recommended Solution

WEBLINEINDIA has put tremendous efforts to make this project on success path. Client was very happy to rate 100 % Customer Satisfaction for our solution. Our team has in depth understanding of client’s requirements and had converted it into a robust solution.

Few Highlights –

  • ACL based user management with different roles and permissions
  • Events management including one time or repetitive events
  • Developed web-services for different type reports
  • Display Reports based on Real Time Data
  • Huge Data Traffic handling without failure
  • Amazon Kinesis integration to manage Live streaming of data
  • Generate daily credited/debited reports from bank to bank.


  • Bank Executives can review the Report relevant to their Bank.
  • Option to view daily Settlement Report.
  • Facility to review all the types of Transactions.
  • Timely resolution of failed transactions through automated/manual customer support
  • Email Notifications for Reminder and activities

Client Speaks

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