One of the leading oil and gas logistics company located in USA
Business Need
Client wanted to build a solution to all targeted companies to keep track of all their oil transfer from one company to another and overall logistics involved between both companies because it was very hard to track and manage all reports and statistics through different systems used by different companies and there was a critical need of a centralized system in place for overall business growth and efficiency.
Client Situation
- Client wanted to develop a platform where all their targeted client companies can be on-boarded and their logistics can be managed over single platform
- Client also wanted to provide mobile application to their client companies so it becomes easy for their staff members to take care of schedules and logistics tracking.
- Most importantly, Client wanted to maintain their service standard, and continue to thrive among their competition by providing a platform which can serve the purpose of easy integration with multiple companies.
Backend System: PHP/Laravel, MySQL Database
iPhone App: xCode IDE, Apple iOS SDK, UI Kit, High Carts API
Recommended Solution
WeblineINDIA kept client’s concerns in forefront and designed &developed an easy to use solution where all targeted logistic companies can be easily on-boarded along with their staff.
Staff members can use web control panel and mobile apps to manage their end to end logistics information, truck, schedule and loading/un-loading information along with its status and reports.
Different type of add-ons provided as part of solutions, which includes interaction with loading and unloading sensors, barcode scanning to register oil bay and terminals for relevant company.
System also provides an advanced reporting and analytics which helps to keep track of overall loading/unloading details, history of driver’s schedule and check-in detail etc. for overall monitoring and management.
- The app has helped client to focus on meeting their targets and demands by reducing the manpower required for managing companies and their logistics.
- With the help of data replication mechanism, System manages multiple companies data (i.e. trucks, schedule and logistics information) and synchronize common data across each company without any trouble.
- On the business end, Mobile app has been a time-saving tool for the company as company staff can login through mobile app from anywhere and manage their relevant sources and destinations, truck loading/un-loading schedules and history details which makes tracking and auditing process easy for them.
- Administrator team can easily on-board any new company and their users by following few simple steps and immediately used in the system for logistics management with other existing companies and users.
- With help of this solution, administrator team could convert majority of their manual paperwork into an automated workflow which helped to reduce monitoring and reporting time by 60%.
Testimonials: Hear It Straight From Our Customers
Our development processes delivers dynamic solutions to tackle business challenges, optimize costs, and drive digital transformation. Expert-backed solutions enhance client retention and online presence, with proven success stories highlighting real-world problem-solving through innovative applications. Our esteemed clients just experienced it.